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“Paul provides a great service. I especially enjoy the Special Bets!”

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What Is A PGR Special Bet?

You may have seen our Special Bets advertised. Or received an email inviting you to buy one.

This page will explain what a Special Bet is, and how it can benefit you.

Special Bets - A Simple Explanation

Special Bets are select pieces of quality information, supplied by sources in stables across Britain.

These genuine tips are extremely valuable.

But with PGR, you can access the tips for a fraction of their value.

Let us explain:

  • The source of the information has a strong tip, and wants to sell it.
  • The source offers the tip to PGR, and a deal is agreed. This is usually a significant sum of cash, plus a percentage of sales.
  • PGR then splits the cost of the tip across several clients, allowing them to access the tip for a small sum.
  • If all goes to plan, the horse wins, the clients win, the source gets paid and PGR get a commission as the middle-man.
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Network of sources in stables across Britain

In over 20 years in racing, we’ve built an big network of contacts in stables across Britain. This network is where the Special Bet tips come from.

Access genuine stable info for a low price

Our sources offer us their tips, knowing they will be well-paid and treated fairly. Allowing you to access tips that you’d never find out about otherwise.

Make £££ with great strike rates and good odds

Just look at the section below for examples of recent Special Bet winners. Strike rate for these bets is over 50% at average odds of 5/1 or bigger.

Look at these recent winning Special Bets...

special bet pgr 1
special bet pgr 2
special bet pgr 3

This is your chance to register for our next Special Bet...

Transform your betting profits using our incredibly successful Special Bets. Get the next Special using the green button below…

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